Sunday, April 28, 2013

Military Children.

April is celebrated as
The Month of The Military Child
throughout all the services.
As April winds down I want to take a few minutes
to tell you why military children are so special.

They're resilient.
Most kids don't go 6-15 months without seeing one of 
their parents.  Military kids do this many times before they're
grown.  They learn to adapt to mom/dad being gone.  They
know that what their parent is doing is important, so they go with it.
Of course there is an adjustment period and they definitely 
shed a few tears when mom/dad leaves, but they will make it.

They make friends anywhere they go.
On average military kids change schools 6-9
times before they graduate.  We're well on our way,
as Kolton is on his third school and not even in Kindergarten.
Military kids make friends quickly but know that they
won't be growing up with these kids.  Many of them will stay
friends throughout life, but with as much moving as our families
do, they'll be lucky to attend two or three grades with each other.

They're patriotic.
My kids were taught from a very young age to be still,
pay attention, and put their little hands on their hearts when the
national anthem plays. 
Kolton still waits for it to start at 
movie theaters :)
(at theaters on base they play it before every movie)
These kids know to respect our flag and our country.
They're so very proud of their parents
 and proud to be Americans.

They're citizens of the world.
My daughter was born in England, my niece in Japan.
My friend Katrina's daughter has been to more countries
in her eight year life than most people will visit their entire lives.
Another friend, Amanda has two kids born in different countries,
neither of which were the United States.
Military kids are respectful of other peoples cultures because
they've lived it for themselves.  They have a unique opportunity to
get to know people from all over the world, 3 years at a time.

These are just a few reasons why I know military kids are special.
I want to tell all of you how proud I am of you,
and to celebrate military kids all over the world-- You are truly amazing.


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